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Disabled People's Organisation (Case History - 4)

Name Age Education Village Name
Dayram Nisad 33 years 12th pass Torla

In due course of cluster level DPOs meeting organized by the field worker , Dayaram Nishad came in touch. Through conversation he was motivated, encouraged and informed about the various facilities under PWD act form the government like - certification ,pension and assistance divices. Since then he works as an active leaders to lead, inform and aware the people with disabilities for their rights and facilities. After few month of his participation on the DPOs meeting, he was selected as cluster level SAGs leader for his dedication and work.

Dayram Nisad is a wage labourer and carryout labor work for his livelihood. He belongs to a very poor family, and trying to uplift his financial condition through Fish cultivation through the Nisad samit founded by him.

He is a good social activist and possesses a good image in village level. In these day with his own effort with the support of the PRERAK he organizes different SAGs meeting in which he tries his level best to promote the interest and participation of the disable people. He has put his effort to allocate loan for 5 disabled person from Vit Vikash Nigam for their economic rehabilitation.